Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cocoal to Porto Velho

Well the euphoria of great roads died along the BR354...uneven payment, ripples, poorly patched holes, etc etc gave the defender and our nerves a bit of a shake.  The bad roads started as soon as we departed Cocoal and lasted for about 250 km.  However, the further north into the Amazon Basin we travelled the more spectacular the scenery became.   We pulled into Porto Velho at rush hour in sweltering heat but managed to find a hotel in town.  


  1. salvador e fernandaJuly 6, 2012 at 7:12 PM

    ola queridos aventureiros do seculo 21 pelos vistos as vossas aventuras estao a correr pelas mil maravilhas e muito bom que assim aconteca para bem de todos nos. Bert agora quero dizer duas palavras ao mateo e ao gabriel ok ola mateo e gabriel avo ama-vos muito e deseja-vos boa viagem ok gostamos de vos ver entertidos e bom sinal e ajuda-vos a passar o tempo.beijinhos

  2. it's wonderful to read you comments and see the pictures. Keep it up please. We love being part of your big adventure. Much love from rainy Belgium!
