Monday, July 2, 2012

Jatai to Cuiaba, Mato Grosso

Trucks, trucks and more trucks…

We decided to drive the 670 km from Jatai to Cuiaba … we figured that the roads would be bare on a Sunday…not so!  There were many large trucks…with the the odd VW Gol sandwiched in between them.


It became apparent the need for Brazil to quickly improve its road structure and build larger highways.  It would be a great investment…create thousands of jobs and improve the movement of people and goods.  Again, the road pavement was good, but when sharing the road with thousands of large trucks and having to slow down for all the speed bumps, it kills the moving average speed.

The scenery became more dramatic and beautiful as we approached Cuiaba …and it also became hotter.

The kids have been getting along surprising well, no major complaints, no major issues…we just need to keep them watered and feed! Having food in the truck seems to keep the mood up…also Marnie music selection is also a good morale boost.

We pulled into Cuiaba before sun set and found a great hotel with a pool, cold beer and WiFi! We all went for a great dinner and enjoyed our time outside the truck. 


  1. Wow, reading your comments and seeing the pictures(x3)made my heart is really happening! I loved them, and will be more prepared for the next ones, so keep them coming.
    xoxo Mom/Grandma

  2. Olá Bert, Marnie. Mateo,e Gabriel.
    Esperamos que o dia de viagem corre-se pelo melhor, já que no dia anterior deu para carregar as vossas energias.Temos estado com os teus pais, eles estão bem. Até amanhã beijinhos e um abraço continuação de boa viagem de Adelaide Ferreira e Fernando Silva para os "SOBRINHOS"
