Friday, July 20, 2012

July 19 - Ipiales to Popayan, Colombia

Driving deeper and deeper into Colombia we came face to face with it's beauty, tranquility and roving caravans of gypsies...

Don't worry about passing on the double solid going up hill. The big truck was only going about 20 km/ were we.

We came across several military check points and we asked to stop only once. We were politely greeted, asked to see our passports and wished a safe trip home.  That simple.  

Finding a bank / ATM that accepts our Canadian debit card and/or VISA always turns into an exercise in patience and trial and error.  We drove into Pasto and tried to purchase the mandatory SOAT insurance...only to be told they only accept cash.  A few trips later to various ATM's and BINGO! The sweet sound of the ATM dispensing cash.  With cash and insurance and lunch out of the way we were happily on our way north. 

The sun was going down and we were pulling into the colonial town to Popayan. The GPS was back up and running so we were able to find the "old town" along with a cute colonial style hotel. 

We are all happy to be in Colombia and knowing that in a few day's we'll be enjoying the warm Caribbean breeze and cobble stone streets of Cartagena.  The kids are asking for more "activities" but overall they have handled themselves wonderfully.  Marnie and I are very proud of M and G for their endurance and manners in the car....even though we face the same challenges at every meal and every hotel.... they don't like the food and insist on turning the beds into trampolines!

Tonight M was asking how we had meet and started dating..... it was a fun conversation with lots of questions and also a time to reflect on where we have been and going....

We also want to thank all the friends and family who have commented on the blog, sent us emails and offered their support and blessings. Thank you.


  1. Salvador e Fernanda (avós )July 20, 2012 at 12:23 PM

    ola queridos turistas nesse momento devem todos óptimos como de costume .O tempo vai passando e vossas aventuras bom ficando realizadas e felizmente neste momento gostaria mos de poder celebrar todos junto quase.Parte da vossa inesquecível aventura. espera-mos beba uma garrafa de champanhe e os nossos netos possam saborear um bom e grande gelado .De avós sal and fernanda

  2. Hi all, once again we thoroughly enjoyed the last couple of blogs. Glad the truck trouble was minor. Photos are great - Impressive volcano, and loved the precarious produce truck - human cargo & all. Enjoy Colombia ! love you, Mom and Dad/G&G

  3. Fernando Silva e Adelaide FerreiraJuly 20, 2012 at 6:41 PM

    Olá (SOBRINHOS)pequenos e grandes, mais uns dias passados e já lá vão mais ou menos vinte dias, parece que foi ontem, com a graça de Deus, vai indo na aventura e eu fico ansioso para ver todos os dias o vosso blog, com muito orgulho.Não poço deixar em vão e admiro nas fotos a Marnie muito paciente como já tivesse feito essa viagem em pensamento (ou estou enganado). Desejamos tudo de bom com a graça de DEUS boa viagem até breve Beijos e abraços de Adelaide Ferreira e Fernando Silva (obs.: hoje levei a casa dos teus pais RABANADAS, queres???)

  4. BF I enjoy the story of you two meeting too !!!!
    Keep the journey safe
    Our love to ya'll
