Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 5 - Porto Velho to Capixaba, Acre

The Porto Velho - Rio Branco drive along the BR364 was uneventful except for the huge pot holes mixed with perfect asphalt.  However, we had the road pretty much to ourselves, so it was "easy" to zig zag around the frame jarring sink holes. 

The Defender managed the ones we hit well enough, although I always cringed...especially when Marnie was behind the wheel.  For some strange reason the holes always seemed bigger and the bang louder when she was driving.  When we reached the Madeiro River which happens to be the worlds 6th largest (by volume), we had to wait in line for a small ferry.  We lost one hour but we had some time to record some videos and Gabriel used his binos to search for Jacare along the river bank.

We decided to bypass Rio Branco altogether and hop on the BR317 to Capixaba...the BR317 is also known as the Pacific Highway and the sign showing the Pacific Ocean a mere 1530 km away was encouraging...and exciting!

We found the best (and only) hotel in Capixaba, with the “best” restaurant.  We walked the cute, well maintained city and returned to the hotel for dinner with truckers and city workers.  Interestingly, the hotel/restaurant did not sell beer...which for surprizing, but the owner stated the crown would get a bit out of hand....However, for only R82.00 it was a good bargain...that's accommodations, dinner and breakfast. 

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